Angela Richardson Allen
Angela was born in Lynwood, California and she attended the Los Angeles public school system where she excelled in her studies. She went on to obtain a B.A. degree in Graphic Arts from San Diego State University and then an M.B.A. from National University. In addition a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority.
Angela Richardson Allen is motivated by helping and serving others. She has always had a passion for helping those in need, particularly young women, and children. This passion led her to start a nonprofit organization, Total Renaissance Woman which was dedicated to helping at-risk youth, women in Crisis and teaching life skills. Her compassion to serve has led to her involvement in several ministries including, Possum Talks Prison Ministry, Dallas Juvenile Detention Center and Human Trafficking Initiatives.
Angela is the President and Founder of Masterful Collective a Sports and Event Marketing Boutique Firm and The Allen Insurance Agency. Angela has worked with Professional Athletes, Off the Field Players Wives Organization and several organizations raising much-needed funds for these charitable organizations. Angela has always had a passion for entrepreneurialism even as a child, which she recalls having a lemonade stand in her neighborhood as an adolescent.
Angela was a devoted wife of nine years before suddenly losing her husband. She met her late husband at their church in Los Angeles. Angela is motivated by her willingness to live life to the fullest, as she recognizes life is short.
As she pursues helping widows she also realized the disparity in the lack of preparation and organizing personal affairs, to the extent that she is developing tools to help families with organizing family affairs and ultimately peace of mind. Additionally, along with her daughter Amaya, they co-authored a book titled A Far Away Place geared to help children cope with death and grief.
Angela is a licensed Missionary and a devout Christian. In this season her favorite scripture can be found in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; My perfect peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, not let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength in every challenge].”
As a widow, she has dedicated her new journey to helping other widows in their journey to continue to live.