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We are accepting original, super-awesome guest posts (that haven’t already been published elsewhere).


But before you write — and submit– your post, please check out our guidelines to ensure your post will be a match for us (and take a look at our current posts to get a feel for our brand, tone, and topics too).


  1. Content must be original to our site — written by you, and not published anywhere else.

  2. Posts should be 600 words+.

  3. We prefer content about your journey that is emotional (but empowering), thought-provoking, inspiring, community/race-related, black love, sex, intimacy, mental health, the Church, or topics around sisterhood. Topics about dating will be limited to one per month overall (first come, first serve). 

  4. Topics can be anything that would be of interest to a widow or widower.

  5. Don’t just tell — show. 

  6. Include a short bio (50 words or fewer) with your submission. You can include a link to your website/social media site.

  7. Credit all outside sources appropriately, including links to said information.

  8. We reserve the right to edit, partially or completely, every submission, including headlines and sub-headings.

  9. Any links included within the body of your post may/may not be removed, depending on content.

  10. Affiliate links within content must be disclosed prior to publishing or they may be removed.

  11. You must show support for other articles on this site by sharing, liking or commenting on their posts.

  12. Submission does not guarantee publication.


If you haven't heard from us in two weeks, we have passed on your submission but appreciate the opportunity to read your work. 


Ready to Submit Your Original Work?


Great! To submit your original post for review, click here to fill out our guest blog submission form or email to If it’s a match, you’ll hear from us within two weeks. (September will be the beginning of this new blog submission)



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