Beverly Kelley-Jeter
Beverly Kelley Jeter became a widow in March 2010 after being married for almost 25 years. Her husband, Chase, had been sick and hospitalized but was expected to return to work on the following Monday. He died the Thursday before from complications due to Sarcoidosis. Beverly and her sons struggled but managed through the days and continue to do so with help from family, friends, therapy and online grief support.
She graduated from Douglass College, part of Rutgers University with a liberal arts degree and worked for a local government agency for over 33 years but decided to retire in April 2012 after her brother was murdered.
She is currently working part-time as an aid and in her free time, Beverly has volunteered as a baby-cuddler, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, participated in the Million Woman March of 2017 and campaigned for the Democratic Party.
One of Beverly's favorite quotes is, "It is in the shelter that the people live.'