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A Widow's Wall of Honor: Remembering Allen Wayne Sr - 11/15/15 (Gwen Wayne)


Welcome to our first Wall of Honor, where we will honor the husbands of widows on the anniversary of their passing. I've asked the ladies of the Black Women Widows Empowered: A Safe Place for Widows Facebook group to provide a little something about their dearly beloved as we near the dates of their transition. For our first honoree, I would like to introduce Allen Wayne, Sr.

Allen, a keeper of Gwen Wayne's heart for 32 years, was an amazing God-fearing church deacon, a father of five children and grandfather of three grandchildren. Allen and Gwen dated for four years before deciding to tie the knot. Gwen, who was a devoted wife and mother, is cherishing his memory not only by keeping him near and dear to her heart, but by writing daily Facebook inspirations in honor of him. Today makes day 365, which marks a year of sharing her heart and soul for her friends and family to see. Reprinted with her permission, check out this post created out of an emotional journey of grief, hope, and faith:

"Day 365 of my journey without my husband! It has been a year. Oh my, where has the time gone? Time says a year, my heart says it just happened. At 6:37 am Nov.15 2015 the world became a lot darker for 'team Wayne'.

The pain and memories are continual! Despite my pain, I keep smiling because you choose me to share your love and your life with for 32 years of marriage and 4 yrs more of dating! Five children and 3 grandchildren. I'm eternally grateful! Only God could allow us to not just love each other but to still be deeply in love oh my! Missing your smile and contagious laugh, your thoughtful AMAZING LOVE and the life we shared. Oh hunni, how I miss you today and every day. Singing "I'll be loving you ALWAYS". Oh, My! I will never love this way again and that's fine with me! Only you could make me smile like this in the midst of fighting cancer. You were and still are my joy! Rest on baby, rest on...til we meet again! Saints whisper a prayer for us and God will do the rest! Remember to smile today - it's the best tribute we can give the love of my life Allen Wayne Sr! #SMILE #teamwayne#Allenslegacyoflove" Gwen, you are an amazing woman! Your daily posts rendered true love of

a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother. I've watched you for a while and I was truly captured by your class, style, and radiant smile. You are a true definition of a Proverbs 31 woman!

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