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[Announcement] BWWE Partners with Global Fund for Widows

Black Women Widows Empowered (BWWE) has some exciting news. We have been asked to partner with the Global Fund for Widows Organization, a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering widows and female heads of households to overcome poverty through skills-based training, job creation, and micro-finance. Additionally, their ultimate goal is to help widows achieve financial stability, self-sufficiency, accountability, and importantly, become a role model to her own children and to others.

Since the inception of BWWE, our dream has been to impact widows abroad in addition to our widows here in the United States. Currently, we have halfway fulfilled that goal through our online Facebook group, which consists of domestic and international widows of all ages. Partnering with GFW will allow our organization to assist in empowering widows one step further by helping to address issues of economic, legal, cultural, and social marginalization of widows.

This partnership is twofold:

1) to become a part of their Make Widows Matter Global Alliance for Last Woman First initiative of over 30 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society organizations who work to empower widows through economic empowerment initiatives, access to human rights and justice, access to education, healthcare, or shelter, and the alleviation of poverty and,

2) to be added as a signatory on the 8/1/17 communication the to the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) and UNWomen (held annually in New York) in hopes of inspiring the adoption of the issue of widowhood.

We, along with our partner ComeTogether Widows and Orphans Organization (Kenya) led by Dianah Kamande, are very humbled and honored to be included. BWWE is even more excited to be one of the three organizations represented from the United States within this alliance (i.e. Global Fund for Widows Organization and Global Fund for Women Organization).

Thank you for your prayers, support, and belief in BWWE!

Dreams can come true!

Sabra Robinson

Sabra Robinson

Black Women Widows Empowered Founder

"Empowering the black widowed woman back to wholeness"

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