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Today's Empowering Nugget: Turn Your Story into Glory

You are so strong!

That was a statement that I have begun to hate.

I thought to myself, "Why does everyone say this?"

I feel weak, broken, incomplete and drained. When that's the first thing a person says to you it forces you to mask your pain. I found myself repeatedly listening to Marvin Sapp's, He Has His Hands on You. When the lyrics would ring, "they keep telling you to be strong but you say when will it end, when will I win," I would burst into tears.

That was the story of my life.

My marriage was no fairytale. We had our struggles over the years. Three months before my husband passed away he surrendered his life to the Lord and rededicated himself back to our marriage. I finally had my fairytale! We were the happiest we had ever been; we were like two teenagers in love.

Three months later, my fairytale ended but our story did not. I often struggle with the reason the Lord took him so soon.

Recently, in the Black Women Widows Empowered private Facebook group, I read a post that declared that God made us strong because He knew what we would endure, which touched my soul on so many levels.

So, today I claim it! I am a STRONG woman who will turn her story into His glory and walk in my purpose by sharing my testimony to inspire others.

Inspire and Be Inspired!


Shawna James-Davis

In April 2014 her life took a horrible, unexpected and dramatic turn when her husband was killed while out for a motorcycle ride on what was otherwise an absolutely beautiful day. While his passing shook her to her core, and ripped her heart to shreds, time has enabled his passing to force her to get to know Shawna - not Tim's wife, or Paige's mom, but Shawna James-Davis, a woman she is getting to know, enjoy and understand. Shawna is a licensed advanced cosmetologist with over 20 years of experience and has recently accepted a position with the State of Ohio as a Salon Inspector and is expected to graduate August 2017 with a Bachelors Degree in Business Management.

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