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Threshing Floor Thursdays

I’m so excited to announce (again) that BWWE has partnered with Maya Tyler of The Bounce Back Project to create a weekly inspirational post called Threshing Floor Thursday’s.

Can you use a bit of inspiration? We all can!

Check out these two social media posts by us both as we attempt to make your Thursday just a little bit brighter.

BWWE's Social Media Post...

Threshing Floor Thursday noon day post with The Bounce Back Project w/Maya Tyler and Maya Tyler:

Well, here’s my second post as part of this great partnership. I’d thought I’d do something a bit different and post a throwback lesson.

During BWWE’s recent study of the book of Ruth last quarter, we delved into a few videos that really broke down the book and how we can apply it to our daily lives as taught by Ivy Baptist Church. I had not heard of this church - only what I googled on YouTube. After reviewing it for myself, I decided to use it as our study lesson.

A few scriptures that hit me the most, which also delves on the premise of sisterhood, are Ruth 1:11, 16-17:

“But Naomi said, “return home, my daughter’s. Why would you come with me? Am I going to have any more sons, who could become your husband’s?... Ruth replied, “ Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried.”

I hope this blessed you during your afternoon lunch. If so, tell us your thoughts!

Happy Threshing Floor Thursday, Sistas❤️


The Bounce Back Project Says...

Loving this partnership! Threshing Floor Thursdays with Black Women Widows Empowered - “Life” Support Group-A Safe Place For Widows @Sabra Robinson

Ruth 2:20 “The Lord bless Boaz!” Naomi replied. “He [The LORD] has shown that he is still loyal to the living and to the dead.

This is an excerpt from my book "Bounce Back Better, How to WIN After Great Loss". Plenty of times after my husband's death I was most afraid of being alone. Not just literally, because I was blessed to have plenty of people be around and supportive..but emotionally and "in life". My partner, my best friend and the one who understood me and had my back - was gone. I was terrified of moments - big or small - that would remind me of just how naked and alone I was now, in the world without him. Plenty of those times, like the one in this excerpt- God showed me that I never was alone in the first place, and that He wouldn't leave me then either. Reading the passage above, reminds me of ALL the times He showed His loyalty to me. From HUGE things like a car accident I SHOULD NOT have small things like this wallet incident.. God proves His love is all encompassing, unchanging, and that

He is always in control.

Want a copy? Great! Cool! Awesome! Just visit her website and subscribe! Your free copy will be emailed to you. It's that simple!

Here's a snip-it!

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